Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about the Hejl Foundation, including detailed information about our grant processes.

    • The Hejl Foundation is a private Florida-based family foundation with a focus on national and global impact, founded by Jakub and Carolina Hejl.

    • Since its founding days, our mission has sought to work towards a future where people can lead healthy, productive, and inspiring lives. We strongly advocate for everyone’s right to access the tools essential for success. While we don’t ensure direct success, our goal is to equip individuals with the resources necessary to achieve their goals.

    • The Hejl Foundation is located in Miami, FL.

    • A family foundation is funded by members of a single family, typically with at least one family member, often more, serving as an officer or board member. Family members actively participate in governing and managing the foundation. These foundations often mirror the personal priorities of the governing families, with grantmaking areas and funding methods differing widely among them.

    • The Hejl Foundation supports ideas, individuals, and organizations that contribute to our four program areas: Arts & Culture, Education, Health, and Policy & Advocacy.

    • Jakub and Carolina Hejl do not operate the foundation with any intent to profit from its charitable activities. Furthermore, all U.S. private foundations are subject to legal restrictions that prohibit them from being operated in ways that personally benefit their founders.

    • The foundation is governed by a board of directors. Each program is led by a committee of staff members.

    • Our grants database displays grants from 2019 to the present. New grants appear in the database after the first payment has been issued.

    • We make all our investments public in a searchable grant database.

    • Jakub and Carolina Hejl established the Hejl Foundation as a private family foundation, operating independently from HFCF Inc, which is a public charity. The Hejl Foundation and HFCF Inc have distinct sources of funding and governance, maintaining their independence from each other.

    • To pursue a job at the Hejl Foundation, follow the foundation on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook for updates on any openings.

    • The Hejl Foundation only accepts proposals by invitation. Once you have been invited to submit a proposal, we will send you the required paperwork. We are always interested in learning about new initiatives, and you are welcome to submit an inquiry to

    • Yes, we occasionally issue open calls for proposals, which are posted on our website and social media channels. You can also sign up for our emails to be notified when one of our four program areas announces an open call.

    • Our program staff typically responds to funding inquiries within twelve weeks. Some inquiries will be invited to submit a proposal. Proposal timelines vary by program and grant type, often involving multiple rounds. For detailed timelines, please consult the program staff if you are invited to submit a proposal.

    • The Hejl Foundation supports ideas, individuals, and organizations that contribute to our four program areas: Arts & Culture, Education, Health, and Policy & Advocacy.

    • Grantees are required to submit progress reports on the status of grants and their transformational efforts within the community. For multiyear grants, periodic reporting is necessary before subsequent year grants are awarded. All required reporting is outlined in the grant agreements. If you have received a grant from the Hejl Foundation, please refer to your award letter for specific requirements. We rely on our community partners’ candor in sharing practices that resulted in success as well as areas for future improvement. Reports should include your anticipated outcomes and both short-term and long-term results.

    • We make most of our grants to or through organizations in the United States that have been determined by the IRS to be section 501(c)(3) public charities. The Hejl Foundation also funds international charitable organizations with 501(c)(3) status or equivalent.

      Additionally, the Hejl Foundation may use expenditure responsibility to make restricted grants to non-501(c)(3) organizations, including for-profits and international entities without a charitable equivalency determination.

    • The Hejl Foundation does not support paid advertisements; or political activities or attempts to influence action on specific legislation.

    • If you need to make budget revisions, extensions, carry-overs, or changes to any contact information, please contact